Tobacco Processing

Reduced Risk and Other Tobacco Solutions

Application-Specific Gauges for Your Unique Requirements

With the tobacco industry innovating to produce next-generation products, such as non-combustibles (reduced-risk), NDC has been working closely with manufacturers to provide more application-specific measurement solutions.

NDC’s tobacco gauging not only includes capabilities for accurately and reliably measuring moisture, nicotine, sugars but also glycerol (humectants) – key components that need to be measured in reduced-risk products. Other NDC capabilities include measuring product thickness, mass per unit area and length and speed.

As a leading global provider of precision measurement and control solutions, NDC can help you optimize your process and product quality.

Check out our measurement solutions to see how NDC can  help meet your specific measurement needs. If you don't see your solution on our website, please contact us to discuss your unique application requirements.